Tuesday 1 October 2013

EV-4 Guardsmen.

The United States replacement for the E-2 and E-3. In the world of UEA High Command the US has little money so few vehicles are built to perform one role. The EV-4 although smaller than the E-3 can perform its main job but also be used on carriers in the USN due to its VTOL tilt jet design. It has a crew of 19 (2 pilots and 17 equipment operators). I borrowed and idea from Yukikaze that is having the radar array under slung on the aircraft. I also tried out the layout of the X-22 a VTOL ancestor to the XV-22 and V-22. Two sets of wings with the front being shorter than the rear wing. The EV-4 has a hardpoint to carry a refueling pod to refuel some of the aging aircraft that do not use a clean fusion reactor for power. It has a CV-4 Motherbird variant for carrying up to 30 troops in seats or 40 floor sitting.

EV-4's have rear extending landing gear and a front ski/wheel the ski being for both balance and for landing in snow (the world's climate has dropped 50 degrees so winters are long).

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