Tuesday 1 October 2013

Fl-292 Pfadfinder Final

This is the final version of my fictional Nazi helicopter design.

Alternate WW2 vehicles and scenarios are awesome, and well I think my design came out well.

The helicopter was designed, built, and tested from mid 1944 till the end of the war in 1945, sadly for the Germans it never entered service, cut short like many programs, such as the Imperial Japanese Shinden. The helicopter would serve as a small scout and fast strike helicopter, attacking with its nose mounted machine gun. It had no tail rotor and instead used a large ruder for steering. No elevators were built into the design, the rotors were adjustable to change elevation, this caused problems with control with new test pilots, causing 3 of the 5 prototypes to crash. The remaining two were to be redesigned for better control, but the war had ended in the enemy's favor, thus sealing the fate of the Pfadfinder forever.

Other features are its reverse tricycle style landing gear and its underslung external fuel tank.

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